Can I make changes to my existing policy?
It is possible to make changes to your existing policy, although depending on what you want to change you could end up with less cover or more expensive premiums.
If you wish to reduce your monthly payments this will be done by cancelling your existing policy and a new one will be created with a lower premium amount. However, this could significantly reduce the amount of cover you have or how long you will be covered for.
If you wish to increase the amount of cover you have it may be possible to do this without having to answer any new lifestyle or medical questions. The Guaranteed Insurability Option (GIO) is an additional feature in many life insurance policies which allows you to increase the sum assured (level of cover) and sometimes even change the term without being reassessed. Every insurer has a different set of rules but typically this a change must be done straight after a major life change (birth or adoption of child, new marriage or divorce, a new job or payrise, or a new mortgage) to qualify for the GIO. If your request falls outside of the GIO criteria, or your insurance policy does not offer this feature, you may have to go through a new application process to obtain the extra cover.
Please contact us and a specialist will go through your policy and inform you what can be changed and what the process would be. All quotes are no obligation, so there’s never any harm in checking your options.
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