LV= Insurance

What are the benefits of insuring with LV=?

Learn about LV= life insurance, a mutual society with over a million customers and 180 years of experience in protection and the benefits of insuring with LV=.

LV=. So, what does LV equal? From a branding perspective, it reads like “LVE” because what is life without love? And what is an insurance company that doesn’t love what it does? That’s why LV= offers additional benefits alongside their insurance policies, including expert medical services and other perks, such as:

Because LV= doesn’t just LVE protecting the aftermath of life, but every moment before it.

A brief introduction to LV=

Let’s rewind 180 years. It’s the year 1843, the year of the first ever Christmas cards sent, and there’s a woman from Liverpool named Victoria who leans against the railings at the docks and thinks to herself,

“What if those Christmas cards outlive those who sent them? Who takes ownership of them, then? Who tends to the beloved recipients of such affections?”

So, she created LV= life insurance.

No, no, wait, that’s not it. Sorry.

LV= was established in 1843 by William Fenton as Liverpool Victoria, initially operating as The Liverpool Independent Legal Victoria Burial Society, providing funeral expenses for widowed husbands, wives or children of a member of the society.

Back then, though Liverpool played the dominant role of host to 40% of the world’s trade, it was, like all areas of the globe, populated with corners of poverty. And within those poor conditions existed people 180 years older than you and I, but equally as equipped with people they loved and lives they lived.

Thus the “penny policy” was born – the first product LV= ever offered. This was not a policy available exclusively to women named Penny, no, this was life insurance at its earliest and simplest (originally set up to allow people to pay for funerals). The prototype for what is now LV= as it is today.

In the past, agents would go door-to-door collecting these penny premiums from ‘Puddlian people, allowing them the peace of mind in knowing that they’ve put a little something towards the cost of their funeral.

The world has changed a lot since then. Prices, products, people.

In 2007, Liverpool Victoria rebranded to LV=, but the very heart of what LV= does and has always done remains the same. With more products available and 180 years of experience, LV= now has over a million customers (bet at least 10 of those are called Penny) and as a mutual company, it is owned by its members, meaning it’s tailored for the people, by the people.

With offices based in London, Hitchin, Exeter, Manchester, Cardiff and Bournemouth (hey neighbour! Come and say hi to us at Protect Line!), LV=’s reach is far and wide, literally and financially.

As one of the UK’s most well-known insurance companies, it has built a renowned and reliable reputation for itself spanning the centuries.


What products does LV= offer?

LV= provides various types of life insurance and other insurance aspects:

Document IconLife insurance
Life insurance cover is protection for your loved ones and peace of mind for yourself in the form of a lump-sum paid out to those you love, should the worst happen to you. By paying what is called the monthly premium, over a period of time known as the term, your family can receive a predetermined sum of money called the sum-assured or cover amount, should you pass away during the period of the term.

(LV=’s only life insurance product available is term insurance).

Document IconLife with critical illness cover

An optional extra that can be taken out alongside a life insurance policy is critical illness insurance, which pays out a sum of money to you should you find yourself diagnosed with a critical illness.

This type of cover also comes with the option to add child’s critical illness insurance, which pays out up to £35,000 if your child becomes critically ill and/or passes away.

Document IconIncome protection insurance

If you become unable to work due to an illness or accident, income protection insurance pays you an income, regardless of whether you’re employed or self-employed (up to 60% of your income).

Document IconVarious other policies
LV= also offer services such as:

  • Pensions and retirement
  • Equity release
  • Investments

*Note: Not all types of cover listed above are available through Protect Line. Our specialists will be able to give you the options available to you and compare these against the insurers on our panel.

Fill out our online quote form for quotes on the various LV= policies. Chat with our team and they’ll help you to find what you’re after.

7 Benefits of insuring with LV=

Alongside the protection insurance products that LV= offer, comes plenty of benefits to choose from. Let’s take a closer look:

1. Protection policies offer LV= Doctor Services

The National Health System is a national treasure, and it’s becoming increasingly inundated with patients – so much so, people are losing their patience. Lives are getting busier, and we’re all striving to live that bit healthier, but access to medical advice and care is creeping further and further away from our grasp, so it seems.

Which is why, with selected LV= insurance products (bought after 2017), LV=, with Square Health, has provided access to six expert medical services via app or phone, for you and a partner. These include:

2. Access to LV= Remote GPs

No, it’s not just a hoard of healthcare providers popping round to fix your remote controls. This service is available, 24/7, to provide unlimited consultations with over 5,000 UK medical professionals (not all at once) to talk about any health concerns or medical conditions you might be experiencing. Whether that’s the common cold or an uncommon one, these face-to-face video appointments are there when you need them.

Appointments need to be booked, but they are available 24/7 and usually within 2 hours. That’s 20 minutes face time with UK based GPs – no waiting rooms required! Just straight forward convenience, straight into your hand.

3. Prescription services provided through the LV= app

Having utilised LV=’s remote GP consultations, your consulting doctor is then able to prescribe you with the medication you might need, just like your local doctor would. This prescription service enables you to have your medication delivered directly to your door (or to collect from a local pharmacy), as soon as you need it.

Fast. Convenient. All you have to do is pay for the private medication prescribed and postage. Your consulting GP will talk you through these expenses during your consultation.

4. Access to physiotherapy with LV=

LV= is offering up to 5 remote sessions per year for you and your partner, given access to a qualified physiotherapist without the need of a GP referral.

So, whether you’re suffering from a little back pain that’s flared up recently or you have a recurring injury that’s making a recurring impact on your daily life – then your personal physiotherapist is there to help you get you back on your feet.

5. Mental health support through the LV= app

In a mental world, your mental health determines how you navigate it. When your brain is fried, everything else goes up in smoke, which is why LV= offers policy holders the qualified professional support and guidance they need. Even if you don’t right now – one day, you might.

You and your partner can benefit from up to 5 sessions per year, at no additional cost, beginning with an initial session to assess your requirements and create a tailored treatment programme as a result. This could include counselling and CBT to heal a range of medical conditions, such as eating disorders, anxiety, depression and OCD – to name a few.

You name it, and they’ll attempt to remedy it, right there alongside you.

6. Discounted health MOTs with LV=

Another benefit of the LV= Doctor Services is the 25% discount on you and your partner’s health MOT. This “common conditions” check-up is an optional extra that comes in three different levels, checking a differing selection of elements in each, and is essentially an overall assessment of your physical health, from head to toe and blood flow. It analyses areas of your vital organs as well as testing your blood for any potential risks and ways to continually improve your health going forward.

Your body is the very vehicle you venture this life in. LV= will help you check up on it from time to time, so it can continue taking you wherever you want to go.

7. Member benefits with LV=

As a mutual company, LV= is owned by its members, meaning it will always endeavour to provide them with an above and beyond service – as it goes straight back into them. The better they are, the better they become.

Which is why LV= members get additional benefits including access to support lines and the membership benefit fund – a number to call if you’ve been a member for over a year and are in need of extra support both emotionally and financially. If so, then LV= has got you covered.

If any of the above benefits have piqued your interest, get your online quotes here


Join over 500,000 UK families who've taken out Life Insurance with Protect Line

LV= case studies from the members**

“Your support has been life-enhancing.”

This is a quote from LV= member Anne, who was provided additional support through her member benefits when her life began to fall apart. Having been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Plus Syndrome, Anne said that her world had shrunk. Her cost of living was about to dramatically change, as were the potential costs of her now uncertain future.

Until LV= provided her and her family with the help they desperately needed.

“Your gift to me, helps not just me, but the whole of my small family. As looking after someone in my condition is a huge burden.”

Now Anne is better able to navigate her new circumstances with the financial aid and consistent support of LV= on her side, and her family, too.

“A mere “Thank you” cannot convey what your support team has achieved for one human being. You have saved my life.”

But LV= doesn’t just cover you when you need them most – they’re there, too, when those least expected events occur. Say, a squirrel pinching your car keys.

“A customer was playing golf and had his car keys in his golf bag. A squirrel jumped out of the trees nearby and into the bag, coming out with the keys!” And the claim was paid out.

Whether it’s a life-altering illness or a sticky-fingered squirrel – LV= will insure your life against it all.

**Note: All views expressed in the case studies are opinions and not intended to be financial advice or recommendations from Protect Line


Is LV= life insurance worth it?

As an impartial brokerage, Protect Line will never advise you on which insurers to insure with. However, we pride ourselves on the provision of all the facts you might need to make an informed decision, as well as the promise that we’d never endorse an insurer we didn’t wholeheartedly believe in.

With that in mind, here are some other pieces of LV= information you might like to know:

  • Though many people often ask, “do critical illness policies pay out?” LV= paid out 95% of all claims made in 2022 across life insurance, critical illness insurance and income protection insurance; amounting to £127 million in total pay outs, with £28 million paid out for critical illness claims and £80 million for life insurance
  • In 2023, LV= received a 5 star rating from Moneyfacts for their critical illness cover and self-invested personal pension
  • They were also awarded Best Income Protection Provider, Business Protection Hero, and Outstanding Insurer of the Year at the LifeSearch 25th Anniversary Celebration Awards
  • LV= were the 2022 winners of Go Compare’s People’s Choice Awards for Life Insurance (sadly, the guy with the moustache didn’t present it)
  • LV= was also the Finder Awards winner for Life Insurance Customer Satisfaction 2020
  • LV= also received gold status by the Defaqto rating system for LV= protection
  • LV= signed up to The Protection Distributors Group’ (PDG) Claim Charter, reinforcing dedication to delivering the highest standards throughout the claim experience. And they’ve stuck to that promise

LV= – though occasionally mistaken for Louis Vuitton by those who’ve accidentally mistyped “life insurance” as “French luxury fashion house” into Google – might be just the thing you’re looking for, if what you’re looking for is one of the UK’s leading life insurers to provide you with lifelong reassurance and a surplus of benefits to ensure that that life truly is long.

Like a vintage Louis Vuitton tote handbag, a happy, healthy and insured life never goes out of style.