30% Cancer Patients Suffer up to £10,000 in Lost Earnings

30% Cancer Patients Suffer up to £10,000 in Lost Earnings Thumbnail

Posted 6th September 2023 by Keely Marsango

New research from charity Young Lives vs Cancer, sponsored by Guardian, found that 3 in 10 cancer patients (30%) lose earnings of up to £10,000, due to making necessary changes to their professional lives in order to focus on getting better.

The startling figure was revealed following a UK survey of 259 people that included patients between the ages of 18 and 26 and parents and adults responsible for the care of young people and children who had, after being diagnosed with cancer, received medical care in the last twenty four months.

The average loss of household income for 70% of those who took part in the survey was close to £6,000, which was due to either one person having to become a caregiver and give up work, or loss of earnings through sick or compassionate leave, a reduction in hours or switching to a flexible, part time working arrangement.

The Unforeseen Costs Of Cancer

One of the most heart wrenching revelations of the survey, was that despite the loss of earnings, most young patients and their families faced having to find an additional £700 per month, an unexpected expense that included extra bills and gifts and treats to lift the spirits of the young people undergoing treatment for the disease.

But the biggest cost, and the one that accounted for more than a third of the additional crippling £700 monthly burden that most faced, was the price paid for treatment, which the report referred to as the “cancer premium”. In order to receive the life saving medical treatment needed, the families of the children, teenagers and young adults found themselves facing a £250 travel bill, that didn’t and doesn’t, include parking and, if necessary, accommodation.

Lost Earnings Cancer Recovery - UK Statistics - Protect Line

The Benefit of Social Security

Despite more than half of the patients and families being able to claim Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payments or Carers Allowance, it wasn’t enough to keep up with the rapidly rising costs of the economic crisis that the word has been plunged into since the advent of the COVID 19 pandemic. In the six years since a similar study was last conducted in 2017, the families of cancer patients face a 15% increase in the unexpected cost of the “cancer premium” which has resulted in them falling further into arrears with electricity, gas and rent bills, and in some cases barely being able to afford to put food on the table.

In the advent of this disastrous financial discovery, Young Lives vs Cancer has made a number of recommendations that included the creation of a transport fund for those who needed treatment, additional support being made available via the social security system and a more understanding and open work based culture that can provide a much needed support structure for the parents and families facing an ordeal that no-one should ever have to endure.

Light In The Darkness – Critical Illness Cover

Amid the financial maelstrom that a cancer diagnosis can create, there is a lifeline. Critical Illness Cover is designed to provide a safety net if the policy holder does fall victim to cancer*, and some providers will also cover children as part of their parents policy, which can be a small ray of sunshine on the road to recovery, as it can alleviate financial worry and allow families to focus on what’s really important. Treatment and getting better.

As with any insurance policy, Critical Illness Cover can be tailor adjusted to fit in with individual requirements and budgets, and anyone thinking about taking out a policy should always speak to a fee free broker about what they want,  so that they can make the best possible Critical Illness choice for themselves and their family. Because if the worst does happen, it’s always reassuring to now that there’s one less thing to worry about, and that there is a light in the darkness.

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Family illustration

Rachel Kirby-Rider, Chief Executive at Young Lives vs Cancer, said: “The impact of a young person having cancer is devastating on so many levels, and this research shows just how difficult it can be for families financially. The financial support that young people and their families are entitled to rarely covers the additional financial burden, and that’s before you consider any lost income as a result of young people and parents needing to reduce hours or take time off. This is why Young Lives vs Cancer exists: to raise awareness of the issues faced by young cancer patients and their families, and to support them to face everything that cancer throws at them.”

Full report: https://www.younglivesvscancer.org.uk/media-centre/charity-finds-having-cancer-adds-almost-700-a-month-to-outgoing-for-young-cancer-patients-and-their-families-and-for-majority-this-coincides-with-significant-loss-of-income/ 

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*Not all types and stages of cancer will meet the definitions covered by a Critical Illness Insurance policy. Please check insurer policy wording carefully and/or speak to Protect Line’s specialists for more information.